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Writer's Workshop

Writer's Workshop

Writer's Workshop

Habits and Processes of Writing

The students will:
• Write daily.
• Generate their own topics and spend the necessary amount of time to revisit and refine their writing.
• Extend and rework pieces of writing (for example, turn a paragraph from a memoir into a fully-developed piece).
• Routinely rework, revise, edit, and proofread their work.
• Publish 10-12 pieces during the year for an audience in and beyond the classroom.
• Write for specific purposes of his or her own, such as a thank-you letter or a birthday card.
• Consciously appropriate specific elements of a favorite author's craft to refine the quality of their own work.
• Apply both public and personal criteria to judge the quality of their writing.

Units of Study
• WritingPurposes and Resulting Genres: Newspaper writing, Personal Narrative,Comic writing, Letter Writing, All-About Books, and Response toLiterature.
• Language Use and Conventions.

The main components of the Writer's Workshop include a Mini-lesson, Writing and Conferencing, and Peer Sharing.