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Reader's Workshop

Reader's Workshop

Reader's Workshop

Reader's Workshop emphasizes the importance of student engagement and the interaction between readers and text.  It provides differentiated instruction in reading. Reader's Workshop focuses  on the teaching of reading strategies.  The purpose of  Reader's Workshop is to foster independence among readers.

There are seven important strategies that all readers must be able to applyto text in order to read and understand content.  These sevenstrategies are:

1 Making Connections
2 Creating Mental Images
3 Making  Inferences/Drawing Conclusions
4 Asking Questions
5 Determining What Is Important
6 Synthesizing
7 Monitoring Comprehension and Meaning

In the beginning of the school year Reader's Workshop stresses routines and rituals.  It is very important that the students understand what is expected of them and that they will be required to use reading strategies as well as explain their thinking.  During the first 5-6 weeks of school, I spend a great deal of time modeling very specific routines and rituals.

Reader's Workshop Schedule
• Teacher Read Aloud and Mini Lesson
• Academic Choice and Guided Reading
• Independent Reading and Guided Reading
• Closing Meeting and Sharing