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Tiger Pride

Tiger Pride - Student and Staff Recognition

At Obama, we recognize positive behaviors in order to encourage positive academic and social behavior. We want our scholars to believe they belong in our community, contribute to its success, and internalize a sense of Tiger Pride.

Tiger Paws:

Tiger Paws are given out by staff in all grades to recognize classes demonstrating respectful, responsible and safe behaviors throughout different settings within the school (i.e. classes with quiet and calm lines, individuals showing responsibility by taking care of their school, etc.)

  • Tiger Paws are in the main office
  • Sign your name on the back before handing them out to scholars
  • Hand Tiger Paws out to scholars every day
  • Teachers and aides do not hand out tiger paws to their own class

Classroom teachers collect the paws their scholars earn and display them in a creative way to entice scholars to earn more. Classrooms are rewarded after reaching milestones in their classroom paw collection (every 100 paws). A visual will be displayed in each classroom with the awards chosen for each milestone.

Cafeteria Awards:

Subway Lunchroom Award:

At the monthly Tiger Assemblies, one class is chosen to receive the Subway Lunchroom Award for being respectful, responsible and safe in the cafeteria. Each scholar receives a certificate for a Subway kid’s meal and the whole class gets their picture taken with the Tiger.

Tiger Assemblies:

Once a month, we have an assembly to recognize our scholars’ positive efforts. Each teacher will present three awards. Each teacher will select one scholar who has shown respectful behavior, one who has shown responsible behavior, and one who has shown safe behavior within the past month. When presenting the award, the teacher will share one reason why they are giving the award for that month.  Counselors coordinate the distribution of the awards and teachers provide invitations for parents prior to the assemblies.

Staff Recognition:

Every Friday after buses leave, staff will gather near main office to receive recognition awards. Award opportunities include: Child Advocacy Award, Above and Beyond Award, Helping Hand Award, and Obama Team Award, and Positive Attitude Award. The winner of each award passes the same award on to a new staff member the following week.

Possible Classroom Tiger Paw Celebrations

  • PJ Day
  • Extra Structured Play
  • Game Time in Classroom
  • IPad Time
  • Hat Day
  • Lunch With The Principal
  • Bubble Time
  • Making Play Dough
  • Shaving Cream Sensory Time
  • Finger Painting
  • Sidewalk Chalk Time
  • Class vs Class Kickball
  • Art Project Time
  • Choose You Seat In Class For A Day
  • Photobooth
  • TP the AP's Office
  • Mustache Party
  • Walking Field Trip (pre-approved by AP)
  • Animal Party (make masks from paper plates)
  • Cornstarch/Water Sensory Time
  • Water Balloon Toss
  • Movie Day (could be used once a year, preferably around a natural break, should have an academic purpose and be rated G, need AP pre-approval)
  • Additional Ideas to be Approved by AP