Family Handbook: A-B-C's of Horace Mann School
- Academic Standards
- Annual AHERA Asbestos Notification
- Attendance
- Bicycle Riding
- Bus Riding
- Class Lists
- Community Education
- Counseling
- Discovery Club
- Drop-Off & Pick-Up
- Emergency Procedures
- Emergency School Closings
- English Language Learning
- Evaluation & Conferences
- Extended Day for Learning (EDL)
- Family Involvement/Input in Decision Making
- Field Trips
- Fundraising
- Health Information
- Homework
- Independent Use of the Internet
- Insurance
- iPad
- Items Not Allowed at School
- iUpdate
- Leaving School During School Hours
- Library Media Specialist
- Lockers
- Lost & Found
- Lunch & Breakfast Information
- Media Permission
- MySPPS App
- Newsletters & Social Media
- Our Mission and Vision
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- Parents Rights to Know Act / Pesticide Applications in School
- Permission Forms
- Proper Clothing
- Recess
- School Hours
- School Visits and Phone Calls
- Searches
- Social Work
- Special Education
- Speech & Language
- Student Behavior
- Student Records
- Testing
- Treats and Celebrations
- Trespass Notice
- Volunteers
- Walking to School
- Website
Academic Standards
State academic standards are in place for reading, writing, mathematics, and science. You can look up these standards at the Minnesota Department of Education website at
Annual AHERA Asbestos Notification
In 1987, the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) took effect requiring school districts to develop and implement an asbestos management plan. This Act requires that employees, students and/or their parents/guardians are informed annually about management plan activities such as asbestos inspections and asbestos response action activities.
Individual Building Management Plans can be found in the Office. AHERA requires these plans be available to the public during normal business hours for inspection. Our building has a computer available, upon request, for the staff/public to view these records. Requests for copies of these records, either in paper or electronic format, should be forwarded to the Facilities Department, Environmental Health & Safety, at 651-744-1800.
Parents/guardians are responsible for informing the school of the reason for any absence, tardy, or early exit. Please call the school office each day your child is absent. Call 651.293.8965 and choose option 1. For an absence known in advance, you may send an email or note to your child’s teacher.
The school has the right to accept or deny a parent’s request for excused absences. For the protection of the students, children will not be released from school during school hours without parent/guardian verification of the release.
We work with the Ramsey County Family truancy intervention program, School Attendance Matters (SAM) to improve student attendance. The school’s goal is to intervene with the student and family early to prevent school failure that results from poor attendance.
Parents/guardians and school officials have the duty to assure that a child attends school. Under Minnesota State Law, students who have 3 or more days of unexcused absences are considered truant. Chronic tardiness or early exits may be included as truancies.
Children do best when there is good communication between families and schools. Please contact us with any questions or requests.
Examples of Excused Absences
Illness - School may request doctor verification or that the parent bring the child to school to be evaluated by school staff.
Doctor/Dentist Visit – If possible, avoid school hours or bring your child to school before or after the appointment.
Family Emergency- Death in the family
Special Events - Wedding of immediate family
Religious Holidays
Examples of Unexcused Absences
Staying at home to baby-sit
Missed bus or traffic
Waiting to change schools
Too cold outside unless SPPS calls a “cold day”.
Late Arrivals and Early Exits
All students arriving after 7:30 a.m. or leaving before 2:00 p.m. must check in or out at the school office.
Bicycle Riding
Bus Riding
If a student should not ride the bus home, families must notify the office before 12:00pm. We prefer that you email both the teacher and our clerk ( If we do not have a note, email, or phone call, the student will be sent home by the normally-scheduled plan.
You will receive communication from Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) with bus route information. Your address and daycare information must be correct so that your child receives a bus stop on a bus route for the start of school (complete iUpdate). SPPS Transportation will need anywhere from two days to three weeks, depending on the time of year, to add or change a stop for a bus route.
SPPS sends out bus stop information a few weeks before the start of the school year. Please contact the school office after September 29, 2022 if you haven’t received your family’s information.
All students should be out at their bus stops at least five-ten minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. Buses may run behind during the first few days of school. We ask parents to be patient. Wait to call our school office until it is at least 20 minutes past the pickup or drop-off time. You can also download the MySPPS app in the Apple App Store or Google Play to get bus updates.
Bus transportation is a privilege not a right! Each student has the right to a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school. Good conduct of all students ensures a safe and enjoyable ride for all students. That includes waiting for the school bus and traveling to and from school. Please talk about bus safety and the rules for the bus frequently with your child. Each individual student is responsible for following the guidelines.
If a student does not follow the established behavior guidelines, there are several consequences including:
Student conference, being assigned a seat, or being assigned a seat partner.
Family conference with a staff member and the child and/or the student attends bus safety practice at a time chosen by the teacher.
Attending bus safety school with a family member on a Saturday morning.
Being suspended from riding the school bus temporarily.
Being removed from the school bus for the remainder of the school year.
Revocation of a student’s bus riding privileges is not an exclusion, expulsion, or suspension under the Fair Pupil Dismissal Act of 1974. The district will not provide alternative transportation to a student whose transportation privileges have been suspended or revoked. Students who lose bus riding privileges may not attend any school activities by bus.
At the beginning of each school year, all Horace Mann students will receive bus behavior and safety training.
If you move during the school year, contact the school office for new bus stop information.
Kindergarten and First Graders will have bus tags for bus riding. Tags are typically mailed or handed out prior to the first day of school.
Class Lists
Class lists will be posted two Fridays before the year begins on a school window. Students will be listed only by first name and last initial. You may also see your child’s teacher through the Campus Parent link.
Community Education
After-school Community Education classes begin at 2:00 pm on Thursdays. Students meet in Holleran Hall (formerly the Cafeteria) for a snack and then a supervisor connects them with the teacher. There are Fall, Winter, and Spring Sessions. Classes typically begin in October. Look for a flyer, check the Perspectives, or go to the Community Education website for more details.
SPPS provides counseling services for its public schools. The counselor teaches whole class lessons, works with individual and small groups of students, and supports staff. The counselor may visit a student’s home to talk with the student’s family in an effort to develop an appropriate program for the child. Email the counselor for questions or details.
Discovery Club
Discovery Club is a fun and nurturing child care program that supports learning and development after school, on non-school days, and during summer break. Visit for more information.
If a student will not be going to DC after school, families must notify the office before 12:00pm. We prefer that you email the teacher, our clerk (, and DC staff. If we do not have a note, email, or phone call, the student will be sent to DC as normally-scheduled.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
If a student will go home through alternate transportation (i.e. relative or friend), families should notify the office before 12:00pm. We prefer that you email both the teacher and our clerk ( If we do not have a note, email, or phone call, the student will be sent home by the normally-scheduled plan.
Kindergarten-Grade 2 students may be dropped off in the morning on Bayard Ave. Kdg-Gr 2 students will enter Door 7 to the cafeteria. Please drive east on Bayard so your child can jump out curbside.
Grade 3-5 students may be dropped off in the morning on Eleanor Ave. Gr 3-5 students will enter the red Door 1. Please drive west on Eleanor so your child can jump out curbside.
During dismissal, students will exit various doors and walk around the block with the teacher. Families may park on Kenneth and Bayard to wait for your child. Staff members will escort them around the block. If you must park on the opposite side of the street, you will need to cross your child.
If you notice any problems, please provide the school with the license plate number and description of the vehicle.
Emergency Procedures
If a child is injured or becomes ill during the school day, the school nurse or other school personnel will attempt to reach the parent/guardian at all available phone numbers. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the emergency numbers provided in iUpdate will be called. Please be sure to keep us informed of your current phone number, address, and email address. If we cannot reach you and the child appears to be seriously ill or injured, he/she will be transported by paramedics. Any child showing COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated until picked up.
The school and SPPS have many other emergency procedures. Staff are trained and practice with students on a yearly basis.
Emergency School Closings
The safety and health of all students is our first concern. In the event that severe weather forces the cancellation or early dismissal of school, listen to WCCO (830 AM). If Saint Paul Public Schools are cancelled, Horace Mann School will be closed. It is essential that families discuss with their children where they are to go in the event that school is closed during the day and no one is at home to receive them. In the event of an emergency evacuation, Highland Catholic School (2017 Bohland Ave) will be available for our use. During severe weather or emergency evacuation, students will be retained at school until the emergency is over. Buses will not be dispatched until authorized by the Superintendent or the Principal. Parents/guardians will not be able to pick up students until contacted. All safety precautions will be taken.
English Language Learning
English Language Learning is provided for all emerging multilingual students. The EL Teacher provides language development through speaking, listening, reading, and writing in collaboration with the classroom teachers. Service may be provided to EL students in the child’s regular classroom or in the EL classroom.
Evaluation & Conferences
Evaluation is a daily process and one in which teachers, parents, and children work together. There will be formal conferences in November and March. Electronic progress reports are completed in November, March and at the end of the school year. Families can print these documents from the Parent Portal. Students in Grades K-2 use a digital communication and work-sharing platform called Seesaw. Students in Grades 3-5 use Schoology. Informal conferences can be scheduled directly with classroom teachers.
Extended Day for Learning (EDL)
EDL is an after-school program that provides additional enrichment, instruction, and support for our students in academics and enrichments. The program is offered for Grades 3-5. It is offered for younger students when we have sufficient interest and staffing. If the bus driver shortage ends, the students who are eligible for a bus will receive bus service. EDL begins after school at 2:00 p.m. with a snack and concludes at 3:45 p.m.
Family Involvement/Input in Decision Making
Field Trips
Field trip opportunities may be limited during the COVID-19 pandemic. Field trips are a part of learning and community building at Horace Mann School. Families provide permission through iUpdate at the beginning of the year. The permission includes approval for walking field trips within one mile of the school and field trips requiring busing. Students will not be allowed to go on field trips without completion of this online permission slip. Phone or verbal permission will NOT be accepted. Teachers will send home notices informing families of any upcoming field trips. We typically send approximately one adult per ten students depending on the field trip. Inform your child’s teacher if you’d like the opportunity to chaperone.
The Horace Mann School PTA handles most school-wide fundraising. Fundraising opportunities include the Scholastic Book Fair, Spring Plant Sale, the Readathon, and the Silent Auction. The 4th and 5th grade classrooms conduct fundraising for the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center experience through the Boo Bash and school store sales. Other events, such as the Sock Hop, Make It Take It Night, and the Spring Carnival may raise funds, but are intended first as community-builders. Staff members may also seek funds or materials through online services such as DonorsChoose.
Health Information
The school nurse is present 2 days a week. A health assistant is present 5 days a week. Student Wellness provides services to students to enhance educational achievement by the modification or removal of health-related barriers to learning. The goal of the program is to assist students to be self-sufficient in managing their health care within age appropriate expectations thereby preparing all students for life. The nurse screens vision and hearing in Kindergarten and 1st Grade. The nurse screens vision in 5th Grade. Vision and hearing can also be screened throughout the school year at parent/guardian request.
Medications at School
The school nurse or trained staff are able to administer prescription and over-the-counter medication during the school day when the medicine is necessary for the health of the student and cannot be administered at home. Directions for medication are as follows:
A written order by a prescribing health professional and written authorization by the parent/guardian must be provided to the school.
The medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by a pharmacist or the prescribing health professional.
Over-the-counter medication must be in the original bottle with correct instructions.
Health professional orders must be renewed annually or whenever medication, dosage, or administration changes.
Immunization Requirements
There are state-mandated immunizations for students. Prior to initial enrollment in any Minnesota school, every student shall submit to the principal or the school nurse one of the following statements:
A statement from the physician or public clinic that provides immunizations.
A statement signed by a physician stating that the physical condition of the child is such that immunizations would seriously endanger the life or health of the child.
A notarized statement signed by the child's parent stating that the child has not been immunized as prescribed in clause one or two because of the conscientiously held beliefs of the parent or guardian. This statement shall also be forwarded to the commissioner of the Department of Health.
For additional health information go to
Teachers assign homework to students. The purposes of homework are to develop study skills and habits, to practice important skills such as reading, to master important information such as math facts, or to extend learning through activities such as writing or projects.
Grade level teams will provide clear expectations to families at the start of each year. Students should average no more than:
- 10 minutes a night in Kindergarten,
- 20-30 minutes a night in Grades 1-3, or
- 40-50 minutes a night in Grades 4-5.
We believe that:
- Students should be able to do the work independently. If students need more than simple family support, please contact your child's teacher.
- Choice is an important motivator for students. If your student has an interest, please inform your child's teacher.
- Family time and extracurriculars are an important part of a child's development. Whether your child needs extra rigor, more time, or modification to assignments, please contact your child's teacher.
Our partnership in homework will ensure each child's success.
Independent Use of the Internet
As a student at Saint Paul Public Schools, your child will need to use the Internet and an email account as part of the educational experience. We will teach, model, and practice appropriate use of the Internet, email, and steps to follow if something inappropriate is found. The District uses technical measures to prevent access to sites that may be controversial, inappropriate, or may contain advertising. Even with these measures, it is impossible to completely filter Internet content. It is important that students are responsible users of the Internet and District resources. Purposeful or repeated inappropriate use of the Internet by a student will result in having their Internet privileges curtailed.
Horace Mann School students have an iPad as a learning tool. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will use the iPads for learning in school and at home. We believe that iPad use for learning and creativity is not the same as recreational screen time. Consult our District website for important details and the Family iPad Handbook.
Items Not Allowed at School
Bikes, skateboards, scooters, rollerblades are not permitted for use during the school day unless assigned by the teacher. Hard baseballs, bats, and similar sports equipment may not be used. Electronic devices such as cell phones, video games, or other valuable toys are not to be used at school. Toys, especially toy guns or blades, must be left at home unless there is a request from the teacher. Personal tablets or e-Readers may be used for instructional purposes if arranged with the classroom teacher. The school accepts no responsibility if any item is lost, stolen, or damaged unless it has been given to a staff member for safekeeping.
You can find directions for iUpdate here. iUpdate is where families complete all the forms to start the year: emergency contacts, address for bussing, field trip and media permission, application for free or reduced price lunch. Please complete iUpdate as soon as possible and after any family changes.
Leaving School During School Hours
If your child needs to leave school during the school day for any reason, email both the child’s teacher and our clerk in the office ( If an emergency arises and you need to pick your child up, please ring the school doorbell for the office. We will either bring your child to you or allow you into the building.
If your child is a walker and wants to go home with a friend after school, both your child and the other child should bring a note.
A child who walks cannot ride a bus with a friend.
Students who ride a bus are not allowed to take a different bus home with a friend.
Library Media Specialist
Our Library Media Specialist will work with every classroom and student. This specialist will integrate reading and writing, teach digital literacy and safety, teach informational literacy, and incorporate creativity and technology. Our library TA will team to ensure that students can check out books and materials. We will recruit volunteers, when able, to provide additional support. We ask families to replace books that are lost or damaged. Please contact the school office to volunteer.
Lost & Found
The lost and found is located by Door 5 to the playground. Please label your child’s clothing and other personal items with your last name. This makes it easier for lost items to be returned to their rightful owners. During conferences and at the end of the year, we display the lost and found in the main hall. Then we wash and donate the items that have been left at school. Please encourage your child to check the lost and found regularly or coordinate with the homeroom teacher or DC for assistance.
Lunch & Breakfast Information
All students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch under the Minnesota Free School Meal program. As Grade 1-5 students arrive at school, they can grab their breakfast and eat in class. Kindergarten eats breakfast in the cafeteria. Hot and cold breakfast options are available.
Single Item Purchases and Second Meals
Second meals, incomplete meals and single items, such as milk only, must be purchased. The 2023-24 meal and milk prices are:
Student Second Breakfast: $2.85
Student Second Lunch: $5
Milk Only: $0.50
For a complete list of prices, visit
If you send checks or money, please be sure to list your child’s name on the envelope.
Media Permission
During the school year, staff of the SPPS and media representatives may want to interview, photograph or videotape your child for use in publications, television reports, school district homepages, public presentations, or our school web page. If you do not wish to have any photos of your child published, please complete the form in iUpdate. Your address and phone number will NOT be published or given to others for any reason. Per Horace Mann School policy, children’s full names are not posted on the school’s website, publications, or in captions.
Stay up to date on what’s happening with the MySPPS app. Follow District and school news, school bus status, view menus, see class schedules and calendars, and more.
Newsletters & Social Media
The principal sends a weekly newsletter called the Perspectives (powered by Families can also find it on the Horace Mann School website. Classroom teachers send home or post newsletters via Seesaw, Schoology, or email. Find our school page on Facebook @SPPSHoraceMannSchool. There are also private Facebooks groups you can join.
Our Mission and Vision
To provide a safe, respectful school community that builds upon our tradition of high expectations for all students; nurtures the uniqueness of each child; and ensures that families are connected, informed, and involved.
Imagine every student making a year’s growth or more academically, socially, and emotionally. Imagine every student prepared for the next academic year, middle school, and beyond—learning how to learn and how to create achievement through effort. Imagine a supportive school community united, learning with and from each other, to achieve this vision.
Technology is vital to our vision and is used by both students and staff to personalize learning, enhance creativity, and improve communication. Imagine innovation at every grade level!
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
This organization works to support the programs of the school. It fosters communication and interaction among the school, the home, and the community. All families are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings and assist at family events and activities. There is a small membership fee to have voting rights. The PTA plans various fundraising projects that benefit the students through field trips, artists in residence, special programs, supplies, and materials. The PTA also plans family events and special projects for the school community. Find more information on the Horace Mann School webpage under Families and PTA or go directly to the PTA website at
Parents Rights to Know Act / Pesticide Applications in School
In accordance with MN Statue 123.B.575, Parents Right to Know Act, all parents, guardians and employees at this school are advised that an estimated schedule of applications of pesticides is available in the school’s office for review and copying. In addition, any parent or guardian who wishes to be notified of any variation from this scheduled application may be so notified by providing five self-addressed, stamped envelopes to the school to be used throughout the year for mailing purposes. The schedule and subsequent notices apply only to pesticides in toxicity categories I, II or III as classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or a restricted-use pesticide as designated by federal law. This statue also requires that you be told that the long-term health effects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood.
If you have questions regarding this notice, contact the school office. Please note that nothing in this law affects the duty of a parent/guardian or a student to comply with the compulsory attendance law. In other words, any student must have an excused absence if they are not present.
Permission Forms
SPPS use online forms in iUpdate rather than paper. Families update contact information and personal information for the school year. Families complete permission forms for iPads, media, Internet use, and Extended Day for Learning (EDL). Field trip permissions are sent home and must be signed for each trip. Chaperones must complete a background check and sign an acknowledgement of SPPS rules and directives.
At Horace Mann School, we believe in creating a safe and focused learning environment that fosters academic growth, social development, and responsible digital citizenship. District iPads come equipped with safeguards and monitoring tools that assist safe and responsible use. Students may not use personal electronics during the school day, including all types of cell phones, smart watches, tablets, video games and wearable tech. Calls, texting, social media access, gaming, and internet browsing are all prohibited on personal devices during the school day. We recommend that all devices are left at home. If a family insists, students may have devices turned off and put away during the school day and after school programs. School staff members will not be responsible unless the device is given to them for safekeeping. In the event of an emergency, families may always contact their child through the school phone numbers.
Family members are a key to the success of these procedures. We ask for your partnership to support and reinforce at home. Please ensure your child is using technology appropriately and in accordance with school policies. If a student struggles to manage a device, the device will be confiscated, parents and guardians will be notified for its return, and the student will be re-taught the expectations.
Proper Clothing
Proper student dress and grooming are the basic responsibility of students and parents/guardians. We ask that students wear clothing that is appropriate to weather conditions, in good taste, and safe. There are a few specific clothing rules and restrictions:
Students need athletic shoes to wear in physical education classes. If possible, students may leave a pair at school in their locker.
Bring a sweater to wear for classroom use when the weather becomes cooler.
Any clothing with references to drugs, violence, or explicit sexual references will not be permitted.
SPPS Wellness Policy is designed to ensure a healthy level of activity for all students. Children will go outside for fresh air and exercise for a portion of the scheduled school day. Please be sure your child comes to school with appropriate outdoor clothing. The students go outside every day unless the NOAA Wind Chill or Heat Index chart deems it unsafe or there is heavy rain. The only exception to this rule is a medical note from the doctor indicating that a child may not participate. Daily recess may not be withheld from a student for behavior or work completion with family permission. Teachers may schedule an additional recess. Students may be held back from extra recess to complete work or address behavior.
Recess Rules
Please review the following rules with students regarding proper playground behavior.
Stay in the play area.
Line up quickly when called.
Take turns and share.
Include others.
Use kind words.
Resolve conflicts peacefully or seek adult help.
School Hours
Horace Mann School Office hours are 7:00a.m. - 3:30p.m. Horace Mann’s student contact hours are 7:15a.m. - 2:00p.m. Students should arrive at the school grounds no earlier than 7:15am as there is no supervision. At 7:15am, students will be allowed to enter the building. At the end of the school day, all students should leave the building promptly unless they are engaged in a school-approved and supervised activity.
School Visits and Phone Calls
We welcome families to visit Horace Mann School. Please check the main entry on Eleanor for posted signs. At other times, we may require family visits to be scheduled and/or limited in the educational interests of the children. For student safety, we require all itinerant staff, parents, guardians, relatives, and visitors to sign in at the office and take a name badge. We will inform your child of any emergency telephone messages you may need to convey to your child.
The Horace Mann School Principal or designee has the authority to conduct searches. Pursuant to MN Statutes, school lockers are property of the school District. Inspection of interior of lockers/cubbies may be conducted for any reason, at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. Personal possessions (i.e. backpacks) within the locker and/or a student’s person may be searched only with reasonable suspicion. The search will be reasonable in its scope and intrusiveness. As soon as practical, school officials must provide notice regarding search of personal possessions.
Social Work
Saint Paul Public Schools provide school social work services for each of its public schools. The social worker primarily works with identified Special Education students. The social worker may visit a student’s home and talk with the student’s parents in an effort to develop an appropriate program for the child. Our social worker may also assist in our family truancy intervention program.
Special Education
When a parent/guardian or staff member perceives that a child is experiencing significant difficulties with some aspect of the educational process, two separate 8-week interventions are conducted. Data is collected from these interventions in order to ensure a student has specific, unique needs. If there are still difficulties after interventions, a referral is made to the Child Study Team. The Child Study Team consists of the Parents/Guardians, Homeroom Teacher, Principal, and appropriate Special Education staff members (Special Education teachers, Speech/Language clinician, Social Worker, School Psychologist, and/or School Nurse). If a child qualifies for Special Education assistance, a plan is developed with the Child Study Team.
Speech & Language
Student Behavior
Horace Mann School follows the SPPS Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. We are a community of students, teachers, support staff and parents working together to assure that students learn. A key to successfully working together is mutual respect.
Horace Mann School’s discipline plan is based on three rules:
Be safe.
Be respectful.
Be responsible.
We teach, model, and practice these three rules throughout the school year. When students make a mistake or a poor choice, we re-teach, model, and practice the correct behaviors. We provide some examples below. Please share your own examples with your child. Make sure your child knows and understands the rules and guidelines.
Be safe
Keep a safe physical distance from others.
Stay off the top of the playground equipment.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Stay seated.
Be where you are supposed to be.
Walk calmly on one side of the hall
Keep passwords private and don’t share private info.
Report concerns to an adult.
Follow adult directions.
Be respectful
Use kind and caring words.
Greet teachers and classmates.
Respect student work.
Give personal space.
Use materials, books, and technology for schoolwork.
Use a camera or video only with permission.
Keep bathrooms and all areas clean.
Wait your turn.
Take turns and share.
Include others.
Be responsible
Take care of yourself.
Be on time and ready to learn.
Follow classroom rules.
Do your best work.
Protect your iPad.
Use the toilet quickly & quietly.
Wash hands thoroughly.
Resolve conflicts peacefully or seek adult help.
Use equipment properly and put it away.
Pay attention to the speaker or performance.
If proactive approaches are unsuccessful, we use appropriate consequences with students. Any inappropriate behaviors that occur outside of school, but are connected with a school behavior or have a negative impact in school may also result in discipline. Our first aim is to educate the child, our second is to make restitution, and our third is to reinforce the appropriate behavior.
Consequences for Behavior
Verbal or nonverbal praise or redirection
Take a break (student directed/teacher directed)
Apology of action
Special privileges or loss of privilege
Social conference with peer or student and teacher
Take a break in a buddy room (teacher directed)
Parent/guardian contact to recognize success or discuss chronic concern
Student conference with teacher and/or principal
Family conference with teacher and/or principal
Dismissal (Grades K-5) or Suspension (Grades 4-5)
We ask parents/guardians to read the above section with your child. Discuss what the section means. Make sure your child knows and understands the rules, guidelines, and consequences.
Bullying Policy
The official definition of bullying, school district policies, and procedures can be found in the SPPS Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. The simple school definition of bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending him or herself.
School staff members are not always aware when students are bullied or engage in bullying behavior. However, the school will work to prevent bullying by teaching and modeling positive behavior and empowering the students to support each other. The school will investigate, respond to, remediate, and discipline bullying behavior that has not been prevented successfully.
Student Records
The SPPS website has a calendar of all scheduled tests. In a typical year, the school district administers:
- Access 2.0 for ELLs: Used to determine an emerging multilingual student’s progress in academic English.
- The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT): Identifies students who are eligible for Talent Development and Acceleration Services (TDAS) within the school district. All SPPS students in Kindergarten take the screener. Students in Grade 2 take the full test. A parent/guardian may also request that we administer a test in other years.
- Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs): Tests proficiency in Reading, Math, & Science. Students in Grades 3-5 take the online test. These assessments are used as benchmarks to evaluate how well the school and student groups are progressing towards academic standards.
- The Formative Assessment System for Teachers (FAST): Used to determine student reading and/or math proficiency and growth in Grades K-5.
Treats and Celebrations
Saint Paul Public Schools Wellness Policy is designed to foster healthy eating habits for students. For birthday celebrations, we do not allow food treats because of the wellness policy and food allergies. There are many options if parents/guardians wish to recognize their child’s birthday including buying a book to read and donate to the class, special bookmarks, pencils, or even stickers.
Trespass Notice
Saint Paul Public Schools reserves the right to deny any person access to district buildings or property for just cause. Just cause may include, but is not limited to, threatening or disruptive behavior, improper or illegal behavior, or any activity by a person which materially and substantially interferes with district programs, classes, activities or other events. Upon determination by the principal or school district authorities that a person’s behavior represents such, a trespass notice can be served on that person limiting access to district buildings and grounds for a maximum of a year. If the person served the trespass notice fails to leave and stay away, police will be called and trespass charges will be filed.
We welcome and appreciate volunteering in the school. We encourage each family to donate at least four hours each year. Some tasks for which volunteers are always needed include tutoring/mentoring students, classroom assistance, library checkout and shelving, office help, proctoring tests, field trips, and helping at school events. To volunteer, please contact your child’s teacher or contact the Tutoring Coordinator at 651.293.8965.
Walking to School
If a student should not walk home, families must notify the office before 12:00pm. We prefer that you email both the teacher and our clerk ( If we do not have a note, email, or phone call, the student will be sent home by the normally-scheduled plan.
The Horace Mann School Patrol provides assistance in crossing Eleanor and Wilder in the morning and Eleanor and Kenneth in the afternoon. You may contact the patrol supervisor, Mark Castillo, for more details.
Kindergarten-2nd Grade Teachers will identify the walkers in the class with a tag for the child’s backpack. Teachers will walk their class past the corner of Kenneth and Eleanor at the end of the school day. Walkers wait at that corner to be crossed by the patrols or to meet their family.
Our school website has all pertinent information about our school. If you have any questions regarding our school, it is the best place to get answers. The Internet address is: