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English Language (EL)

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The mission of our ELL program is to promote the English Language proficiency and academic achievement of the English Language Learners at Horace Mann School.  ELL staff collaborate with mainstream teachers on curriculum planning and teaching strategies.  ELL instruction may involve co-teaching, small group work, or one-to-one support, depending on the needs of the students.

Listed below is a general outline of second language acquisition and literacy instruction as it applies to elementary ELL students.

  • Language acquisition is not a steady, linear process. Students appear to make rapids gains at times and progress slowly at other times.
  • Usually, students reach proficiency in the different language modes in this order: listening, speaking, reading, writing.
  • Students may be at widely different stages of acquisition in the four language modes.
  • Elementary students learn informal oral language quickly.  However, they generally need 5-7 years to develop and gain proficiency in academic language use.
  • Literacy skills in another language can strengthen skills and strategies in learning English.
  • Literacy instruction is most effective at the ELL student's instructional level, regardless of grade level.

Fostering positive parent-teacher relationships benefits all ELL students. We request interpretors for families when needed.

To learn more about our ELL programs, please call 651.293.8965 or e-mail Regina Scheuring.

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