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Students Are Learning At Horace Mann School…

We have a comprehensive elementary curriculum. In homeroom, we focus on Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies and Health. Science, Physical Education, Visual Arts, and Library/Media are taught by teacher-specialists. Vocal music and theater are taught by artists-in-residence under teachers' supervision. Instrumental music is provided for Grades 4-5 by an itinerant teacher in the after-school program and for one day a week. We enrich the curriculum through field trips and other experiences. Our staff members challenge, engage, and encourage students. We teach to develop communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and skilled reading.

In addition, Horace Mann School offers...

  • An embedded, schoolwide approach for students identified for Talent Development and Acceleration Services (TDAS, formerly known as Gifted & Talented)
  • An English Language Learning specialist
  • Full-day Kindergarten classes
  • On-site specialists for those with special needs

...And We Can Prove It

On state and district-required standardized tests, student scores from Horace Mann School are consistently among the highest in the Saint Paul Public Schools and the state of Minnesota. 

The Benefits Of Being A Small School

Horace Mann School offers two or three homerooms per grade level (K-5). Our school's size means that every child is known by the staff and receives personalized attention on a first-name basis. Educational research has correlated a clear, positive relationship between small school size and improved student achievement.  A report released in September 2001 by the University of Minnesota Center for School Change found that "smaller schools provide many benefits -- achievement, attendance, graduate rates, and behavior all tend to be better in small schools" (Nathan and Febey, "Smaller, Safer, Saner Successful Schools," p.9).

Academic Enrichment

Horace Mann School has a variety of programs to enrich its regular curriculum.  For example, students have the opportunity:

  • to cultivate an understanding and appreciation for art through the Art Adventure program;
  • to participate in various district and statewide competitions, such as Lego Robotics or Math Masters; and
  • to cap their elementary school experience with a week-long character-building field trip at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center (Grade 5).

Extracurricular Activities

Horace Mann School also offers programs serving children after the regular school day.

  • Discovery Club offers extended child care programming after school for working families. 
  • Teachers provide additional academic support after school two afternoons per week through the Extended Day for Learning (EDL) program. The District works to provide busing for those children who need it.
  • Families may enroll in Community Education classes once or twice a week after school. Opportunities are available in the sciences, engineering, arts, languages, music, or chess.
  • The school has an active PTA which sponsors family events, such as the Spring Carnival or Family Volunteer Service night. These events provide families with a marvelous opportunity to get to know one another and have fun together.